Python Tips

This is my personal memo about useful notations in python. I have not touched on the basics. It is limited to what I find useful.


  • The jupyter notebook format file on github is here

google colaboratory

  • To run it on google colaboratory here

Author’s environment

! sw_vers
ProductName: Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.14.6
BuildVersion: 18G95
Python -V
Python 3.5.5 :: Anaconda, Inc.
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'

import time
import json

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import japanize_matplotlib

Note on adding columns with pandas.

When I tried to add a column of type Series to a DataFrame with nan, after dropping it, it didn’t work as expected and I lost several hours.

a = pd.DataFrame({
  'a': [1,2,3],
  'b': [1,np.nan,3],
  'c': [1,2,3],

a = a.dropna(subset=['b'])
a['d'] = pd.Series([1,33])

I assumed that the second data in $d$ had 33 in it, but it has nan in it.

It took me a few hours to realize that I had to reset the index.

a = pd.DataFrame({
  'a': [1,2,3],
  'b': [1,np.nan,3],
  'c': [1,2,3],

a = a.dropna(subset=['b']).reset_index()
a['d'] = pd.Series([1,33])

and the new column was added as expected.

Experimentally indexing the first $a$ with an appropriate number resulted in the addition of a column that I had not expected.

a = pd.DataFrame({
  'a': [1,2,3],
  'b': [1,np.nan,3],
  'c': [1,2,3],

a = a.dropna(subset=['b'])
a['d'] = pd.Series([1,33])

I think the index is implicitly set from 0 when adding a new column as follows.

a['d'] = pd.Series([1,33])

I’ve been adding columns without thinking about this, and I don’t remember any problems. If you’re familiar with pandas, you’ll know this.

If you are familiar with pandas, this may be obvious, but it took me a lot of time, so I wrote it down.