[Graph Theory] Comparison Between Vector Fields and Graph OperatorsJan. 3, 2024[Graph Theory] Rating Matrix, Adjacency Matrix, Degree Matrix, Laplacian MatrixJan. 2, 20242023
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[Linear Algebra] Neumann SeriesDec. 1, 2022[Linear Algebra] Spectral DecompositionNov. 12, 2022[Linear Algebra] Useful FormulasNov. 11, 2022[Linear Algebra] Cofactor ExpansionOct. 21, 2022[Graph Neural Networks] Implementation of GNN and GCNAug. 3, 2022[Graph Neural Networks] Convolution in the Spatial Domain and Element-wise Multiplication in the Frequency Domain in Graph Signal ProcessingAug. 3, 2022[Linear Algebra] 5 Matrix Decompositions (Cholesky Decomposition, LU Decomposition, QR Decomposition, Spectral Decomposition, SVD)Jul. 12, 20222021
[Linear Algebra] Rayleigh QuotientDec. 22, 2021[Linear Algebra] Singular Value Decomposition and Principal Component AnalysisDec. 21, 2021[Linear Algebra] Pseudo-Inverse and Projection MatrixNov. 3, 2021[Linear Algebra] Singular Value Decomposition and Low Rank ApproximationNov. 2, 2021[qiskit] HHL AlgorithmSep. 25, 2021[qiskit] Grover's AlgorithmSep. 22, 2021[qiskit] Shore's AlgorithmSep. 19, 2021[qiskit] Quantum Phase EstimationSep. 18, 2021[qiskit] Quantum Fourier TransformAug. 28, 2021[qiskit] Simon's AlgorithmAug. 18, 2021[qiskit] Dichi-Josa's AlgorithmAug. 14, 2021[RECOMMENDATION] PageRank and the Google MatrixAug. 8, 2021[qiskit] Arithmetic on two qubitsJul. 23, 2021[qiskit] Basic Usage and One Qubit OperationsJun. 28, 2021[Random Walk] Classical Random Walk (DeepWalk and Node2Vec)Mar. 5, 2021[Random Walk] Classical Random Walk (PageRank and Personalized PageRank)Mar. 3, 20212020
[Recommender Systems] On Evaluation MethodsSep. 29, 2020[Recommender Systems] Matrix FactorizationSep. 29, 2020[Recommender Systems] Content-Based FilteringSep. 23, 2020[Recommender Systems] Memory-based Collaborative FilteringAug. 13, 2020[Recommender Systems] How to Use SurpriseAug. 9, 2020[Recommendaer Systems] How to use implicitAug. 3, 2020